i have been biking in the evenings after i get off work from the rx. the city lights and river pass in a blur. i tend to take in the plant life and animal life even in speed. i have seen a ton of bunnies bounding. heard frogs crocking, all the frogs in the world have not died from global warming yet. we saw baby raccoon's quickly cross the concrete path, then snuggle close between large granite rocks on the rivers edge. and last night i saw a beaver:penisula tail and all. i was afraid that he would attack me so i didn't get that close but i saw it well enough, considering he took his time trying to escape our stares. i am actually not the one who's spotting these great aspects of life. matt zooms ahead keen eyed, ready to come to a halting brake at the sight of anything fascinating
. he saw this great big hopping spider that seemed so menacing it might spit. i didn't get close to it either. i am rather sore today but overall feel really positive about riding bikes. i haven't lost weight but is tone important too? i wish that i could be active all day long, instead i sit and feel my nation spread out, melding with my office chair. have you ever noticed how there are so many large healthcare workers? hm...have you heard about michael moore's new film SiCKO. the investigation? his commitment to "getting into shape"? his proposal? figure out where you stand. i have to say that i've not watched any of moore's more recent work, but SiCKO relates to my work, my interests have been peaked. in other ways: mule magazine blogsthe next big thing @ fredflarepromote yourself @ beautiful/decay:see public feedother than that have a nice day. exert yourself a little more.
Tone IS important. I think bike riding can help you get your cardiovascular system into good shape, leading to more walking and other exercise. (I need to do more of the other exercise, though.) The difficulty with biking is it makes me more hungry, so I eat more, so not so much weight loss. Still, maintaining size/weight is 100% better than increasing, even if it's not always as good as decreasing.
Plus, of course, bike riding is fun, fast and healthy for the world, too.
Hi Honey,
I do know what you mean about a desk type job - not good for the behind. It is even harder for you because there is so much food around your office. You have done great over the last couple of years - you inspire me. Don't give up.
I love you dear girl,
cat a cat...
I saw some clips from micheal moore's 'sicko' and i can't wait to catch it... it looks realllly good.
also... i read a blip that micheal moore has hidden the master reels of his film in canada for fear that the us gov will confiscate the footage, he supposedly has some unauthorized footage in there... not really all that suprising, but interesting none the less!
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