in the moments after father's day cards were exchanged there were a few tears. the day represented a mountain of fighting, praying, and hoping on my brothers behalf on account of the fact that they have had to fight to get their children and my father has had to fight to get suzanne and emily. our family has grown and will continue on, because of the fathers in my family. i am not assuming too much by thinking, expressing how i don't think many fathers fight for their children's lives anymore. i know for my dad and my brothers the battle hasn't always been ideal, the sacrifice has no words. but they've done it with no complaint, no regrets. we will never regret one another, nor will we regret the birth of sam, liam and caleb. we will never regret adopting emily and suzanne into our family, because my dad has been the fighting example to all of us. emily wrote these things out in her handmade cards to dad and my brothers. coming from her, my word, it was like soaking up the wounds, throwing burdens off and being free from destruction. i suppose if you were looking in from the outside our family might not make a whole lot of sense, but through my dad's eyes, there's refuge, comfort, peace and hope.
thank you dad:if you're reading you should make a comment as to how the day made you feel, i mean, your arms are so big, not so literally but they've held us all, and for so long. did you feel the roots of our familytree growing deeper by the minute in those moments? did you feel like your family was a team, working together at the sport of our lives? it meant a whole lot to us to beable to celebrate your life with you. i know that.
and the fireworks are from riverbend that finished up this past weekend. i have to be honest i avoided the whole thing like it was the plague. although they did some really cool things this year, like build a habitat house and on sunday morning i saw all of the riverbend runners and walkers, kinda interesting. i didn't know they hosted a run/walk-what about a bike ride?
i think that's everything for today. i am super excited about finishing up the week here, i'm looking forward to having the weekend off. woohoo!!!
What a beautiful post. Your family has meant a lot to Paul and I as well and we share in the joy of watching it expand.
I appreciate your comments, Cat, and I love the grill, boys. My feelings about the day? I enjoy watching my sons becoming great fathers. I love my grandsons, and I love watching our family grow -- in number, in spirit, and in faith -- in spite of my failures. God is a great redeemer and I'm amazed at how he has blessed our family. You're right about the impact of Emily's words. They made me happy. They made the fight worth it. I'll sum up my feelings this way, "I have no greater joy than to [see] .. my children ... walking in the truth" (3 Jn 4).
Thank you Cathy for your tribute to Daddy. I love him and am so thankful for the man he is.
Who would have thought that 14 year old boy I met almost 40 years ago would become such a great man.
I love you,
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