
502 & hello

all of my life i have dreamt of living in the city. i have found that the city breathes and murmurs and whispers just like the country, only there are different rhythms, beats, smells and secrets. i am accustomed to these things and take small comfort in all the city parts. including the new view. this early morning i saw the city in a different light, from a new perspective. it is telling me something only and maybe (when i have time, unpack and get better at it) i can repeat by taking photos, sharing the mystery, if that's what you want to call it. i am so ready for this. i am ready for the balcony and the westward sunset. i'm saying goodbye once and for all to my northern view and saying hello to the west. there are mountains behind the city that i've never seen before and it is all so very welcoming. there are mounds of reasons to move to the city, i'm so glad i found my reason, so thankful i have a heart for the city. i am happy!


Rob said...

If you pull a little to the left can you see the end of Lookout Mountain? I hope so, cause there are some awesome sunsets including that slope, enveloped in clouds, etc.... HOpe to see more...

Cheers for the city in deed.

amber said...

so good to see you tonight! i cannot wait to see your new place!

Jennifer Kring said...

congrats on the new place, Cat! Nice to start anew, eh??? i love new beginnings... they hold some sort of addictive power or somethin... hope the unboxing goes well