
aunt to be

so far in my life i am a daughter, a sister, a sister in law, a niece, even a friend or best friend but i am not yet an aunt. at least not yet! on sunday my brother and his wife announced that they were starting the grand process of adopting a little baby boy from kazakstan! this is only the best news a girl like me could get on a day full of work and weariness. i was exhausted but felt beyond uplifted by the exciting news! i feel so fortunate to have a growing family. a family willing to go to great length's and miles to grow itself. we are so happy, so inpatient, so wishing, so eager to see the little boy that god brings into our lives. do i look like i could be an aunt? it's kinda of a new phase of life, you know? my best friends have had children and so these feelings of attachment aren't new ones but it's a little different knowing there is going to be another "collier" in our midst. yikes!

i had such a good time at the ryan adams show, he played sylvia plath and lucy, lucy my gal, you know that song? a bunch of new music i hadn't heard exactly but what about this great rock n roll? kate and joel were so thoughtful to ask me to come along, and well we just wished for others to be around with us. the last time we saw ryan was at rhythm and brews (ugh! probably about 8 or nine years ago maybe less) and there was only about 20 or so people there. we were yelling out all kinds of songs and he played the ones he could, later the boys caught up with him and talked for awhile. at the time i was too shy or bewildered, always around these semi-hot musicians. i felt the same way when i saw conner oberst from bright eyes.

my friends and i are on track for a day trip slash reunion of sorts and i have all of that to look forward to. i'm also excited about a small new york adventure i will be taking in early november with my two snl's. i don't know yet if i'll be visiting with friends or not, but i'll have 4 days to do whatever, and the flights have been booked and bought. so nyc here i come! my mom's brother from new jersey is down for the week and i'm not working this weekend, maybe i'll clean. i've got an vaccum cleaner that i cannot find new bags for. unga bunga!

cleaning is the last thing i want to do but i'm living in a jungle of neglect right now, much like i think most bachelor's live (question).

dream today: a mac5


Jennifer Kring said...

cool pic of you! great news on the newest collier arrival!!! so exciting

Anonymous said...

first off, CONGRATS!!! you will, no doubt, make a wonderful aunt :D you can show your niece/nephew how to work on art and make mini trees :D oh, and you can teach them how to say "vegetarian" hahaha... and give them all this food that normally your brother wont feed them (like cous cous or tofu or granola haha) it's fun!!!!!

and second, that is SO COOL that you get to go to new york! wow, i havent been out of state in ages.... fun fun!!! you look great, cat! really!

Anonymous said...

Oh cat that's so exciting! I hope the process goes quickly. I loved watching the videos of my cousin and his wife bonding with their daughter from Bulgaria. It was so hard, they spent all this time with her at the orphanage then they had to GO HOME and wait for her several months. So Hard. I admire that strength so much. Prayers are lifted here!

That's awesome that you're going to NYC!! FUN!

Can't wait to hang on Thursday!